Monday 23 April 2012

Breast Cancer Survivor Recommends Salvestrol Platinum

I would like to say that I swear by a supplement called Salvestrol Platinum. I've been taking it since my diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer 5 years ago in 2007. Like all natural things, there's no double-blind trials offering scientific 'proof' but the theory behind it makes sense to me so I'm going to keep taking it as long as I live, as it is meant to be highly 'anti-cancer' and as a bonus it seems to do wonders for my skin. After diagnosis, I stopped taking lymecyclene and thought I would just have to put up with nasty spots. But as soon as I started taking Salvestrols the improvement in my skin was astonishing and fast. They are not expensive at about £1 per day. I'm lucky that I can afford it - I buy supplements and good food rather than spend my money on meals out, etc. That's my suggestion. Good luck with whatever you decide to try.

It's not my profession or anything to do with making money. This is material I researched myself upon diagnosis, because I wanted to try and help myself rather than rely just on what conventional medicine offers/insists on, and I think this advice will help others who have breast cancer. The main evidence I have is that I have recovered from cancer and feel much better than before I was diagnosed - and I mean both physically and mentally better. When I stray from my routine of diet and supplements, it shows in my skin very quickly - so I have come to believe my skin is a 'barometer' of my internal health.

Salvestrols are based on the idea that the anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties of fruits and veg reside in the skin of the fruit and have been largely destroyed by food processing and the last 6 decades of industrial farming. So even if you eat lots of fruit and veg, they may no longer provide you with the healthy nutrients they did when agriculture was more natural, when the plants had to use their own immune systems to fight disease - rather than pesticides and fungicides doing this for them.

So Salvestrols are made from older varieties of fruits and veg, ones that have not been industrially farmed, and therefore retain their own immune defenses which are beneficial when eaten. In terms of cancer, salvestrols are said to be able to break through the protein coating of cancer cells, and trigger an enzyme inside the cancer cell to make it die.

That's the theory. Best wishes, B


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