Friday 25 May 2012

Zytiga Cures Early Stage Prostate Cancer

Zytiga was designed for clinical use as an effective agent against very advanced stage prostate cancer so treatment of early stage disease should be easy for Zytiga. This has been borne out in results of a clinical trial announced in abstracts of the 2012 ASCO conference show that 6 month neoadjuvant treatment with Zytiga results in complete dissapearance of prostate cancer in patients with high risk disease. In one third of patients there was significant tumour regression indicating that Zytiga is an exciting agent for neoadjuvant therapy of prostate cancer which may circumvent the need for surgery in some cases.

Cancers Cured by Salvestrols

Here is a comprehensive list of cancer that have responded to Salvestrol Therapy. In some cases there were partial responses with the disease being contained to a managable level, whilst in other cases complete cures have occured with patients being completely cancer free within 6 months.

Acute Lymphoytic Leukaemia ALL
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia CLL
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia AML
Bladder Cancer
Brain Cancer
Breast Cancer
Bone Cancer
Colon Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Endometrial Cancer
Head & Neck Cancer
Hogkins Lymphoma
Kidney Cancer RCC
Lung Cancer
Liver Cancer
Multiple Myeloma MM
Non Hogkins Lymphoma
Oesophagael Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Skin Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Thyroid Cancer
Testicular Cancer

Other Diseases which have responded to Salvestrols include:

Heart Disease (Lowering of Cholesterol)
Arthritis (Decreased Bone Pain)
Parkinsons Disease (Increased Cognition)
Multiple Sclerosis MS (Myolin Protection)

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Cancer Cure Found in Vegetables

The cure for cancer is found in all vegetables containing salvestrols

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Forbidden Cancer Cures

A Cuban Pharmacy - Full of forbidden cures for cancer banned in the west by legislation.
Some are banned in the west because they work too well and threaten the pharmaceutical industries billion dollar profits from cancer chemotherapy, such as the simple Hoxsey Remedy and Essiac Formula.
Others are banned because they are downright dangerous such as Escozul the venom from the cuban blue scorpion.

Cancer Cure in Fruits & Vegetables

Cancer fighting fruits and vegetables rich in salvestrol